child abuse

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Child abuse occurs in an everyday life. Any criminal activity is the result of child abuse. Anyone who maltreats people is a type of abuse that hurts them in many ways. Child abuse has 4 types of abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, social abuse, and emotional abuse. Child abuse is defined as “the physical or mental injury”. For example, like for a child under 18, from a person who is responsible for the child’s welfare and other various forms of violent behavior, so it is inflicted onto the adolescent and it is also the cause of the occurrence of similar events in the child’s future, when the former victim has reached an age when he or she can be classified as the administrator of such actions. While there are many complex reasons we people act violently and criminally toward others, the general agreement among experts is that an adult’s behavior, in any situation, is largely a result of the quality of the atmosphere in which the child was raised. Normally, not every victim of child abuse or any violent crime will rise into a monster in his or her adult years, and occasionally someone who experiences a near-perfect childhood will turn the tables and develop into the exact opposite when they are reaching maturity. However, enough convincing links exist between sufferers of childhood violence and those who carry out the same type of abuse to deduce that there is significant connection. Therefore, today in America most cases of criminal activity and mental instability are the result child abuse.
Overview of argument
It is unfair to any child or teenager to have to experience any form of physical abuse. This abuse has nothing but negative effects that can last a lifetime. Poor social skills, psych...

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...ped as soon as possible because later in the future it could get worse and we are probably not going to be able to stop it. According to social agencies, beatings of children have multiplied over the past twenty years. Physical abuse is any abuse that is harmful to the child. This kind of abuse includes the physical discipline which results in observable injuries on the child. It also includes use of a life-threatening weapon, like a gun or a knife, against a child and any abuse resulting in death. Right now it’s a good thing that the government and other people are trying to help children that are having problems at home with child abuse or in any place. It is very important for a child to have a happy life when they get older, we shouldn’t be harming their future. We should be helping them and trying to make them feel happy with what they have to live a good life.

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