The Important Role of Women in Combat

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"The women say, the men have kept you at a distance, they have supported you, they have put you on a pedestal, constructed with an essential difference." -Les Guerilleres, Monique Wittig

The struggle for women to attain entrance to combat positions within the armed forces has been arduous. Unfortunately, most nation-states do not allow women into battle in any capacity; still, some countries do not allow women to participate in the military at all. However, the introduction of women into combat within the British, Canadian, Danish, German, Israeli, Norwegian, and US forces has been effective in that women have significantly contributed to their success. This success is the strongest advocate for female access to combative positions. The proposal for female integration into combat also relies upon the consideration of combat's definition, gender equality, and the influence of sexist literature. This paper also examines the reasons why women have been kept away from the frontline, women's participation in violent rebel forces, and finally how women have succeeded within the military, especially within the realm of combat. I do not propose a uniform method for militaries to integrate their female members into war-rather, a specific approach be developed by the nation itself since women's rights and societal roles differ from country to country. While some nations have already recognized women as able for their forces' most aggressive roles, some only employ women in secretarial jobs. To suggest that all countries conscript women for combat would certainly be a disaster, as integration, training, and soothing of female prejudices take time. It is also important to understand that by this proposal, I am not supporting war over dipl...

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