Women Should NOT Be Paid

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Why is it that a woman will make 24% less money than a man in her working life? To put that into perspective, on average that’s £5732 a year and roughly £300000 in their working lifetime. That’s enough money for them to retire at 65 and live their life comfortably. This is for part time workers though. For full time it is less at 14% but it is still there and it is still an incredibly large gap, if this was still 50 years ago this gap would be incredible for women as they didn’t get paid much at all until the equal pay act 45 years ago. But it fix it, the wage gap still isn’t equal. Why? Why is it not equal? Women should have the same rights as men and the same pay as men when they are working in the same job. Currently the best full time job a woman …show more content…

Physical and sexual abuse of girls, not women, girls, is a serious concern across the world. In South Africa 1 in 4 men report having sex with a woman against her will by the time he is 18 years old. His life hasn’t even completely started yet. In Nigeria, a treatment centre reported that 15% of female patients requiring treatment for sexually transmitted diseases were under the age of 5. Why do these men think they have the right to destroy these girls’ lives just so they can have a moment of joy? But Africa isn’t the only place affected by this, a report from 2009 shows that in Colombia, at least 27000 women and girls experience intimate partner violence within the year, 74% of these being “underage girls”. When I read this I had to stop, and think about what the world is doing to combat these outrageous numbers, so I googled it and what did I find. Nothing. The world is doing absolutely nothing to help prevent girls and women that are being abused. We understand what abuse does to mental health but it doesn’t say anything about anyone trying to prevent things like this happening. Why? Because women are apparently inferior to men when they shouldn’t

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