Woman in Business Why It's So Hard For Working Women To Get Ahead, And What We Can Do About It by Jillian Berman

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Equality for Women in the business world always has been a reason for debate. However the article "Why It's So Hard For Working Women To Get Ahead, And What We Can Do About It", written by Jillian Berman is written to get employers to make it easier on the female members of their teams.The article was posted in the beginning of 2014 in The Huffington Post. Jillian is an Associate Business Editor for the Huffington Post. She is an opinion based writer who uses her "freedom of speech" to write about many different topics. In this article, Jillian discusses the shyness that women experience when in the working field which keeps them from reaching higher positions. By writing this article, Jillian is putting out a request to employers to assist women since they tend to be shyer, more modest, and have a hard time "selling themselves to their employers". The article written informally, begins with Jillian's personal experience. By including personal details and supporting opinions, Jillian makes her article extremely effective.

The Huffington Post is one of the more controversial news outlets. They have writers from all ends of the spectrum contributing, which makes them attract a huge variety of readers. This article is directed to employers who have women working for them. Her title "What We Can Do About It" proves this point. The author understands that people do not want to feel uncomfortable, and therefore directs this towards the employers who have the ability to make certain situations more comfortable. In addition, the author is obviously addressing women. In the first paragraph she writes about a personal experience. The purpose of which is to evoke emotion, and feeling of the ability to relate to this specific scenario. I...

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...r reading this article will not be persuaded by her writing since it is emotion based, and not factual. The support that she brings is very specific, she does not have any general information. By including more supporting references, the author would have created a stronger and more believable article.

Overall, Jillian Berman uses great methods to support her opinion. She is effective with appealing to the emotions of the readers to bring across her point. The only weakness displayed in this article is the author's prejudices towards the discomfort women feel. However, for a female audience this article is strong and convincing. Her biases become support to strengthen the article when it is read by the the proper audience. The combination of the techniques and the way they build on each other, illustrate a solid and persuasive article.

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