Sexism in the Workplace

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Have you ever felt discriminated against in the workplace? Usually, women are the most common people that are mistreated in the workplace. There are many reasons why women are discriminated against, but none of them are excuses for women for not being successful. Women face sexism by getting less pay than men, not getting promoted as equally as men, and facing other gender stereotypes, but sexism can be solved by women confronting their internal and external barriers and finding people that can help women. Women have to face problems because of their gender. In the article “Sexism a problem in Silicon Valley, critics says,” LA Times, October 24, 2013, Jessica Guynn mentions that discrimination against women exists in the technology companies because of their gender. Some women that work at tech companies have been sexually threatened and death threats. Some technology companies do not have any senior women because women are not as well promoted as men are. Many women decide not to study to become engineers as result women are not as prominent in the technology workplace. Technology companies have problems with gender. In addition, women are paid less than men for the same type of work. According to Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg mentions that women were paid fifty-nine cents for every dollar men were paid in 1996, but women protested to raise the compensation to seventy-seven cents (6). This means that even though a woman and a man perform the same work such as an engineer does, both do the same assignments and have the same responsibilities in the technology place, men are paid twenty three cents more than women. Moreover, women suffer from “gender discount” which means women have to pay for being part of the workplace or society ... ... middle of paper ... society, and the housework is a work for men and women. In conclusion, if women are brave enough to destroy their own barriers and are with people that really help them, women can attain successful in the workplace; moreover, they will see less sexism in their workplace. In the past, women fought for the right to vote, and they fought for civil rights. Now, women and other people can fight to eliminate discrimination against women in the workplace. The United States fought for the right to eliminate discrimination many times such as after the Civil War and the World War II, and now as a country people have to fight to eliminate the discrimination against women in order to be called “The country of Freedom and Civil Rights.” Works Cited Guynn Jessica, “Sexism a problem in Silicon Valley, critics say,” LA Times, October 24, 2013 Sandberg Sheryl, Lean In, 2013

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