Why We Shouldn T Have School Uniforms

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School Uniforms Yes or No? There you are standing in your school uniform, waiting for your bus. You feel anxious because the uniform doesn’t fit like it’s supposed to. The shirt (even when it’s tucked in,) is way too loose on you making it seem like you were skinny as a tree but, you weren’t. The only thing that was tight were your pants/skirt, it was so tight that you could barely move at all. Hasn’t everyone felt this way numerous amounts of time when wearing school uniforms? The fabric sometimes irritating your skin taking your attention off of school work. Sometimes, when you wear school uniforms don’t you feel nervous that someone is going to say something mean about your uniform? Most, people are bullied because of school uniforms and how they fit on them. Schools shouldn’t have school uniforms because they make you feel self-conscious and it increases the causes of bullying. Since, school uniforms fit differently on …show more content…

Many, people who wear school uniforms blame others because, they can’t blame anyone else. According to experts from Texas Southern University, “A 1999 study by experts from Texas Southern University showed that bullying incidents amplified by as much as 12% after the implementation of mandatory uniform wearing,” (Texas Southern University). However, when schools enforce wearing school uniforms it causes more and more violence. Depending on what grade you’re enforcing it in, the level of violence is impeccable. Another school tried doing this idea, “Echoing this sentiment is a 2007 study published in the Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice… according to the research, assaults increased by as much as 14 incidents yearly, right after the introduction of school uniforms, “(JCJ). The transition of being able to wear anything you want to school uniforms being enforced is a hard change. Most, students have a hard time getting use to change while more, just don’t like change at

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