Argumentative Essay On School Uniforms

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Uniforms … Yay? Or nay?
There is an unending discussion in schools across the country about school uniforms and whether or not they make for a better experience in school for the students or just the teachers. Those who are pro-uniforms insist that uniforms will allow families to save money and time on clothing. This is so because these days children often get ready by themselves, because their parents are usually off to work before they wake up for school (Linder-Altman). Uniforms give the parents of these children confidence that their child is going to school looking halfway decent. There are also claims that uniforms will decrease the amount of bullying in school because all of the students will look alike. On the other hand, those protesting uniforms believe although everyone is pretty much dressed the same, cliques will still form and bullying will still exist (Dress code and Uniforms). I wore uniforms throughout primary school and I didn’t like them because I always felt uncomfortable in them. In hindsight, it could have been because I felt my personality was bottled up every time I put on my school uniform. There are claims that uniforms are not inclusive and won’t allow children to accept each other because of their differences (Linder-Altman). When everyone in the school is dressed alike, students may feel as if they aren’t able to express his/herself. Those unfamiliar with this topic may be interested to know the
Conformity: The Issue behind School Uniforms,” Peter Caruso suggest clothing can provide clues to the status of a person which could also be connected to a person’s values. If all students were to dress the same, Caruso claims, ideas such as these would no longer be an issue (85). Caruso’s idea that once schools implement a uniformed dress code we would no longer have to worry about our students being judged because of their perceived status is unfair. Why is conformity the only answer to putting an end to

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