Why Relationships Fail Research

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Most people have been apart of a relationship that has failed at a certain point in their lives. Relationships fail for numerous of reasons based on the two parties involved. Some deal breakers for relationships may be; lack of communication, not showing the other partner enough of attention or not spending time together and most importantly having a mistrust for that person. Being in a relationship is not an easy job and requires effort and hard work but for some people it becomes too much to handle. One reason a relationship may fail is due to the lack of communication. Communication is important in relationships as it allows us to share interests, aspirations and concerns, to support each other, to organize our lives and make decisions. Communication is not only verbal, listening is a huge part of effective communication. It’s important to understand your partner’s form of communicating and valuing their opinion. We all have different ways of to communicate and have different communication styles. For example, one partner may ask the other what they would like for dinner. They may respond by saying “it does not matter”. The other …show more content…

It is impossible to spend all day and all night with someone but an effort to spend some time with your partner should be put forth. It is completely understandable that life requires you to dedicate your focus and attention to more than one thing. However in doing that it is important to also cater to your partner. Learning how to deal with tasks thrown at you throughout the day without neglecting the needs and wants of your partner is vital for a successful relationship. It is also important for your partner to not be selfish and understand that the world does not revolve around them. Having a solid understanding of this may increase the likelihood of having a successful, life long

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