Analysis Of Deborah Tannen's Talk In The Intimate Relationship

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Deborah Tannen wrote “ Talk in the Intimate Relationship” to help people learn something about how men and women's interactions differ. She is a language scholar and has past experience of failed relationships and she feels as though this was because of lack of communication. Her main focus is on metamessages, these are messages that go beyond what we say. She states that the people that are literal minded, miss out on the context of what communication is. What this essay will consist of being what Tannen calls metamessages, summarizing her article on how men and woman talk, deciding whether Tannen is favorable to both genders and last but not least if I agree to an extent with Tannen says in her article. Males and females, according to Tannen differ in the sense of communication and it is described as “cross-cultural communication.” We are different from each other because of our past experiences; as we grow, us females are treated differently and talk differently than males it is as though we grow up in different worlds. Females have different expectations about the role of talk in a relationship.The meaning of metamessages is a form of indirectness, us women are more indirect and we want agreement by negotiating it, it displays a form of cohesion. Tannen …show more content…

It is not all about communication” . It says that not surprisingly those couples who reported communicating more effectively showed the highest satisfaction with their relationships. But the next two reasons which were also the only other ones with strong links to couple happiness, were knowledge of partner which included everything from knowing their pizza-topping preferences to their hopes and dreams and life skills like being able to hold a job, manage money, etc . But in order to have a healthy relationship I do believe that the communication is key but they also do need to know how to communicate in a healthy way that will not cause

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