Why Is It Important To Use Evidence-Based Social Work Theories

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Social Work is a person-centered real life human to human practical interactional job that requires more creativity and intuition. A social worker need not be highly technical, does not need to explain theoretical concepts and utter big words to the client nor are there reference guides or templates of what to do and what to give in specific cases. A good relationship between the client and the social worker is important in dealing with issues as the client is the expert of his own personal life and each human experience is considered to be unique as each person is treated with dignity and high confidentiality. Hence, social workers must achieve not only scientific technical and theoretical proficiencies, but moreso, a deep understanding of the human condition using contextual knowledge, personal experience, common sense, and wisdom with a heart on the job. Social work as a profession, just like any other profession has adopted and based its knowledge based on theories to guide professional practice. …show more content…

Hence, social workers must have a radical understanding of how to apply/use the theories as “knowledge-based” processes. The ideal theory for social work is something that encourages generalist thinking and questioning grounded on the inherent respect for human dignity and the complexity of social problems in the environment. Payne (1997) remarked that social work theory succeeds best when it contains all three elements of perspective, theory, and

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