Reflective Account On Social Work

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Introduction Social work is a profession of growth, happiness, sadness, change, and development. These are just a few of the many words that can be used to explain the profession. Every emotion that can be experienced by a human is a part of our daily job when working with others. Feelings, thoughts, and experiences that can only be truly understood by the individual experiencing them are vital parts of the work that we do. It is a privilege and an honor to be able to help individuals process these thoughts and feelings that are part of the story that makes up their lives. My personal belief is that if people are surrounded by the proper environment, equipped with the right tools and resources then their chances of beating whatever odds they are facing are that much greater. Our job as a licensed professional is to create an environment that is safe and secure that allows clients to be equipped with their own personal skill set and learn new coping mechanisms to better their lives. By providing individuals with a safe space we allow them to open up the most intimate and secret parts of their lives. …show more content…

These individuals provide us with the resource of wisdom and experience that can only be taught through living life. Aging is a part of life that we will all experience and are currently experiencing at this very moment. Older adults have provided us with so much knowledge that it is important to serve back to those who have served us so greatly. While older adults undergo many psychological issues and various mental illnesses across the spectrum of their lives one of my main focuses for this discussion will be the depression in older adults. Depression affects a large number of individuals and is no discriminant of age, race, sex, religion or any other distinguishing

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