Essay On Growth Mindset

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A mindset somewhat defines each and every one of us. It is basically how we view everything around us, and it affects our lives in so many ways! But there are actually two different types of mindsets which are a fixed and a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is the idea that each person has a certain amount of intelligence, while a growth mindset is the belief that intelligence is a potential that can be expanded. A growth mindset is genuinely the desired mindset because a person with a fixed mindset will probably not realize what they are truly capable of. For example, someone with a fixed mindset will feel threatened when challenged and mistakes would degrade their morale, but a person with a growth mindset would view challenges as exciting …show more content…

These mindsets have a large impact in our lives including my own! Even though a growth mindset is the ideal mindset, I consider myself to have more of a fixed mindset than a growth mindset. I do believe that I have experienced both mindsets, but a fixed mindset has been more dominant in my life. I realized that I experienced a growth mindset during my DMV permit test. I actually failed my first try at it because I was told that it was just common sense and I didn’t feel like I needed to study. Then I failed, and it encouraged me to actually read the handbook and study. Surprisingly, I wasn’t upset after failing my first attempt. Instead, it actually made me realize that I should study. I would love to have experienced a growth mindset throughout my life, but unfortunately I know I grew up with a fixed mindset. Growing up I remember my parents telling me how smart I am every time I received good grades, and according to the article written by Carol Dweck, that isn’t the best way …show more content…

People with a fixed mindset are usually not motivated to do challenging work, apply very little effort, lose confidence after mistakes, and are intimidated when things get difficult. And I have experienced some of these situations. I get less motivated when I have more work, don’t try my best, and I put myself down after low grades. I lost confidence in myself after every setback, but I should of been looking to learn from them. I should actually look back and see what I could have done differently after a setback instead of degrading my own morale. For example, I could change the way I approach a test if I really messed up on the last one, or I can stay motivated at every task at hand. I would love to have a growth mindset, but I just grew up with a fixed mindset. And it has basically made me lazy and procrastinate. I should get rid of my bad habits and develop a growth

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