Why I Deserve A Scholarship Essay

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What Are My Goals and Why Do I Deserve This Scholarship? By Caitlynn Dennie Next year I’m traveling to South Carolina to attend Coastal Carolina University! I am very grateful for the opportunity to get an education, and take classes that will help guide me towards my future. Throughout my life, my community involvement and leadership has assisted in shaping myself into someone who is hardworking, determined, and caring. Reminding myself daily that hard work leads towards success has taught me how significant working hard is. Whether it be writing an essay, or working out at the gym, I always make sure to give whatever it may be my all. The idea of always working hard has also inspired me to have a strong source of determination. Usually things do not work out easily for me. Most circumstances I am in require extra determination. Anytime I have to put in extra effort, I remind myself that with hard work and determination, my accomplishments should serve as their own rewards and spending more time than others should remind me to focus on appreciating improvements I have made for myself. In addition to core values of hard work and determination, I also strongly …show more content…

During my sophomore through senior years, I managed the basketball team, as well as played field hockey. I was able to share leadership through my actions while being involved with both of these teams. I also am a member of the National Honor Society. By being a member, I have been able to fulfill one of the society’s major criteria to serve others- both in the community as well as through being a role model. Other opportunities to serve have also allowed me to make a difference in others lives. This school year I have been working as an intern at a physical therapy office. This job has provided an environment where I must focus on working hard, while caring for

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