Why I Want To Be A Flight Commander

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For the 2018-2019 school year I will be applying for the positions of Flight Commander & Flight Sergeant. I believe that I have various suitable qualifications that will help me excel in a flight leadership position. I have experience with not only being in the cadet staff, but I have had experience with being able to take charge of a group of kids and lead them.
First, I have the qualifications of being able to work well with others. For example, being apart of the cadet staff I learned to work with 15 other different personalities. I had to learn to adapt to the different personalities amongst the flight. Having this qualification, I will be able to adapt to the personalities of the cadets and be able to get the cadets to adapt to my personality. Being able to work well with others in this position is critical because a flight leadership position is not a solo task. I will be able to work hand in hand with my flight sergeant or commander to ensure that both of us are putting forth our best effort and giving a hundred and ten percent when we walk through our flight doors. …show more content…

For instance, Being Corps Command Chief I learned to manage my time and do my school work and staff work at the same time while keeping my grades up to par plus having my work for staff turned in on time. Having this quality, I will be able to manage my classes and turn in my academic work on time along with turning in my flight reports & cadet of the month on time. This quality also helped me to learn that doing things early will be better for managing stress and help make the job of both the Squadron and Group commanders less stressful. Time management is a quality that will help me balance my academics and position

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