Why I Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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How much of the things that is taught in school will kids actually need and use in life? Many kids don’t like going to school and they could have all the right reasons of why they don’t want to but, some kids just are to lazy. Let’s think about the other kids. School doesn’t teach kids for the career they are planning on going into or kids already know that school won’t help them for the basic life skills they need to know. Schools need to modernize the curriculum taught to kids, so that it can actually help them with getting a job and going through college. Modern day public schools need to improve the relevancy of concepts and curriculum taught. Schools aren’t teaching us the most important things we will need to know for life. School might teach a few life skills we would need but the most important ones that are used aren’t being taught such as how to change a tire, time management, conversing, and many other skills that are essential. Many adults are missing the skills that colleges and jobs are looking for and the important skills they …show more content…

If pictures of schools are looked at from fifty years ago compared to today not much has changed. Only minor things were changed like more technology was added and some new concepts are taught but, schools still look and teach the same. Students come in, sit down, open up their work and get started. Or the teacher will go up to the board and teach then students have work to do. “Charles Fadel, a visiting practitioner at Harvard’s graduate school of education and founder of the Center for Curriculum Redesign (CCR), wants the curriculum to be overhauled to give students a new set of skills and character qualities he believes are needed for the 21st century”(Rubin). Not only do students want schools to be updated but also some teachers and parents. Schools need many updates to teach students the things they need in life so, that kids are more prepared for college, jobs, and

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