Why Homework Should Be Banned Essay

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Imagine sitting at a desk for seven hours being lectured, taking notes, and struggling your way through tests. Then having to haul a heavy backpack of homework home to sit and work for another three hours. School itself is stressful, and time consuming, along with homework. Studies are now showing that homework does not have the positive effect on a student’s brain that people believe. Therefore, schools should ban all types of homework. People always say “practice makes perfect,” but are three extra hours of homework going to benefit the student? A group of Australian researchers found the average scores of student’s academic performances, and the amount of homework assigned on a daily basis. Their results clearly implied that when students spend more time on homework their grades become lower, and can cause students to suffer from depression. If a student is engulfed with too much homework their life balance is thrown out of proportion, and could cause them to stress out. Studies have proven that the average person needs an 8-8-8 daily routine, eight hours of work, eight hours ...

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