Why Kids Should Not Have Homework

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There should not be homework for students. For starters, homework pushes families further apart from each other. Secondly, homework causes kids to actually do worse on schoolwork and tests. Lastly, homework causes kids to get stressed out and depressed because they have to go home and do homework instead of have there own free time. Those are a few reasons why students should not have homework.
For starters, homework pushes families further apart.: Kids get frustrated when their family helps them with their homework which cause anger and causes family’s not to be as close like they should be.Homework increases family conflict. Parents help with there kids homework which causes more tension and anxiety for children. (Coulson): This is one …show more content…

A study in 2002 shows that homework causes kids moods to increased anxiety, depression, anger, and other mood disturbances among students. (Coulson)Kids have a seven hour day of school and then on top of that teachers are piling up a minimum of one thirty minutes worth of homework in each class. Kids get stressed out when they realize that they can't do anything fun in the evening which is suppose to be there fre. Homework causes kids to increases in stress and sleep deprivation.In time because they have to stay at home and finish their homework April, a researcher at Stanford University found that too much homework negatively affects kids by increasing stress and sleep deprivation and generally leaving less time for family, friends, and activities. (Graham)Kids don’t get enough sleep and get even more stressed out which causes them to do worse in school.Homework increases family and there conflict.Homework increases family conflict. And the more parents help with children’s homework, the more tension children experience.(Coulson)Homework causes more family conflict which tears families

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