The Trojans Lost The War Because Of Their Own Nature

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The Trojans Lost The War Because of Their Own Nature Without compassion humans would be immoral people and the trojans would have won the trojan war. In the Aeneid, an epic written by Virgil, Aeneas tells the story of the trojan war and how they lost to the Greeks. They were tricked by a Greek named Sinon who tricked them into trusting him and into them taking the Trojan Horse into school. Because of his trickery the city of Troy was destroyed by the Greeks hidden inside the horse, and this defeat ends the Trojan War. The Trojans lost the Trojan War because of their compassion for Sinon, a greek stranger, their trust of him and their egos.
The Trojans would have won the war if they did not show Sinon so much compassion. After they found him,

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