Understanding the Consequences of Whistleblowing

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Whistleblowers often face an unsettling situation regarding the outcome of their act of whistleblowing. The response to an act of whistleblowing usually varies from situation to situation. The possible responses could be correcting the situation or the wrongdoing, possible retaliation against the whistleblower and the response of the whistleblower against the reprisal of the organization towards him.
The whistleblower's power and the power of his adversaries who are a part of the more dominant coalition would determine the consequences of his whistleblowing. The climate prevailing in the organization in relation to a proper and constructive handling of disputes also will affect the consequence of whistleblowing. …show more content…

Organizations that are more established and prosperous will have a more favorable way of looking at acts of whistleblowing and will have more resources at its disposal to devote to investigate the claims of the whistleblowers. On the other hand those firms which are less prosperous may see acts of whistleblowing as a threat to their existence and, have a hostile climate in general towards whistleblowing. The acts of whistleblowing may be perceived differently by different people in the organization. The superiors and the supervisors of the whistleblower may see such an act as questioning their ability, integrity and conduct. The fellow employees and colleagues may perceive the whistleblower as being disloyal to the company and the owners and the top management may see it as an effort on the part of the whistleblower to destroy the organizational image and threaten its stability. It is thus difficult to predict the outcomes across organizations in case of whistleblowing. A number of factors determine the outcome but these factors and the outcome itself vary from organization to organization and from individual to individual (Paul and Townsend,

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