When I Want To Get A Scholarship

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Life is full of opportunities. Being able to make your own decisions and what lifestyle you want to live in is a big opportunity. I know as a preteen, you have to start making decisions and attain goals. I want to get a scholarship to achieve my goals and be a successful student. There are many people my age who think about scholarships and why they want to get a scholarship, but their main reason why they want a one is because of the money. I know the money is important, but also being able to maintain their GPA, doing homework, and projects, you have to earn to get a scholarship and keep earning the money. I want a scholarship to help give me a house and family to take care of. I know that if I earn a scholarship, it will help me with my future and career. To get a scholarship and hold a job as well, I will be able to pay all my bills on my house. Also, being able to pay for my gas on my car is important especially the insurance. I know that keeping up with my job and other daily life routines will help with my appearance as a student and adult to show some responsibility in me. …show more content…

If you don’t have a job, it is hard to pay the amount in which you need to pay. I will be able to pay for the needs in college. Lack of job pay won’t help at all considering we are needed to pay for the dorms which are expensive and also the meals. Also if you are needed to stay in college for a long period of time, you will be able to wage student loans that are needed when you are demanded to wage. To add on, if there were a time of crisis and you lost all your money, you still have the bank to back you up when the money is to be in use. Later in college life, you are able to experience activities that will also help you later

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