Synthesis Essay: Is College Worth It?

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College, a gateway for expanding the horizons within our youth has many conflicting ideas due to it's cost, suggesting that it may not even be worth it. Yet thinking about having this privilege of exposing our minds to anything and everything we desire while providing ourselves with far more opportunity in the future makes every late night double shift, staying up until 3 am, living off ramen noodles well worth it.
While college is about majoring into what your ideal career is, it's also a place of self exploration. "By teaching freedon by example, through the experience of free research, thinking and expression" (source B). Learning the strengths and weaknesses of ourselves through trial and error allows students to make conscious choices that they will continue to make down the road such as problem solving in the real world.
Carrying these new and improved qualities far after college, essentially become apart of who that person is, generous, mature, determined etc, thus moving those qualities from campus to community (source B) …show more content…

"The main barrier is financial." (source F). Usually, the idea of becoming in debt at such a young age scares some, making college feel like it's no longer an option. Over time this has depreciated entirely what college is about and how much a better quality of life financially, socially etc. it can give you in the long run. Based off statistics 86% say that college has been a good investment for them personally (source F). For example for monetary payoff college graduates with a four year degree claim to be earning $20,000 more per year compared to people who did not attend college which believe they are earning $20,000 less per year. The quality of life, financially, is clear. With just a four year degree, colege graduates are living $20,000 better than that of a person who did not attend

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