Satire Essay On Dress Code

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Dress Code Issue Every morning I wake up and choose what I will wear that day. Out of the many things in the world that I have no control over, the clothes I wear are my choice. The clothes I wear show who I am, how I am feeling, and the message I mean to deliver. My clothing choice is part of who I am and if that means jeans with holes in them or a racer back top, then that is my choice to make. I feel that the school dress code is unfair with this. I have been told my shorts are too short, my tank top isn’t two fingers wide at the straps and more. Now I’m not saying that no dress code should be applied, but I at least think that banning racer back tops, jeans with holes in them, anything above fingertip length for shorts and skirts, strapless …show more content…

Every teenage girl picks their outfit, looking to see if it’s something that she likes and if it’s something society will accept. It’s hard to find this balance in the first place, but when you throw in dress code that’s telling you not to wear something that you like, it makes it almost impossible to be who you are. All schools are doing is shaming girls and telling them their clothes are too revealing and telling them they are bad people for how they dress. This is not okay. Girls starve themselves, girls wear tons of makeup, girls perform elaborate beauty rituals, all just to fit in. This is proof of how girls will do anything to be accepted. By shaming these girls, it makes it even worse for them. They will feel like they don’t like who they are and even if they do know, it’s not okay according to schools. Part of what we are told at school is that everyone is equal and everyone is human, no matter what you look like but this is also hypocritical because then dress code tells us that certain things are still not okay. Another thing schools tell us is that we are individuals and to “be you” and to be your own leader and don’t follow others by dressing like them etc. but schools also say how you can’t quite be you if you’re doing it wrong or if it doesn’t follow school dress

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