What Is The Lusitania?

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On the morning of May 7th, 1915 the Lusitania had over 1,859 passengers, but later that evening it had only 661. The Lusitania went down in history for its last voyage. It can also be known as a disaster that sunk in 18 minutes and that is still under water today. John Brown and Company of Scotland finished building the luxury liner the Lusitania in 1906. The Lusitania was 786 ft long and weighed 32,000 tons when fully loaded. Its first sail was on June 7th, 1906. The company tried to convince Captain William Thomas Turner and the ship board to make the Lusitania a warship too. They succeeded. Little did the Captain know that he would be responsible for a later disaster with the Lusitania. As the Lusitania reached Ireland on their May 7th,

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