Figurative Language In Salt To The Sea

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Salt to The Sea is a book by Ruta sepetys about 4 people trying to escape the grasps of the russians and in the case of Florian the nazis. They cross the countryside and land at a port. On the way there they lost people and possessions. When they get to the boat they get hit by a torpedo and 2 of them die, Alfred and Emilia. In this companion book you will read about the history of the Wilhelm gustav the boat that they rode on, symbolism in the book, and you get to read my best fan fic that i could come up that didn’t include lewd things The phrase shame is a hunter is figurative language about Emilia and the rape she experiences. She is shameful because she is a Pole and her Baby is a child that was conceived in a boat. The phrase is …show more content…

I had got some sleep when Boom!!!. “What's wrong” I cry out hoping for an answer. It never comes. I run out to the hall with my belongings. “Hey lady” I hear from behind me. Its hans and roberta. They run to me and help me carry my stuff. “What happened?” I ask them. “I have no idea” hans replies. Running we get to the deck. All around people are confused. I look for anything to tell me what happened. Nothing. Boom!!! Im knocked off my feet and slide across the deck. The people around me fall too. They scream and so do I. Suddenly i’m dunked in water and I can’t breathe. Black. (now read in american accent and it will make more sense. The story about the real life boat the Wilhelm Gustloff is a tragic one. On the 30th of january 1945 a russian submarine sunk it, killing an estimated 9000 people including ____ women and children. The boat was transferring injured german soldiers across the ____ to _____. The boat was experiencing mechanical failure so the captain was going at 12 knots. This was against the advice given to him telling him to drive at 15 knots as to avoid and out speed russian submarines. Then at 9:16 the Wilhelm Gustloff was hit by 3 torpedoes. The ship had life rafts for 5000 people but most of the safety equipment was frozen and 9000 people died making it the largest maritime disaster in history beating out the titanic at 1500 people. Although most of the passengers were civilians it is not recognized as a war crime as 1000

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