Walt Disney Film Analysis

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Walt Disney is unique in the sense that it has the practical monopoly on all of the media's fairy tales and stories for children. We were raised on Disney, and with excitement we introduce our own children to our childhood fantasies. The question to ask therefore, is if Disney controls the media and most of what our children are seeing, shouldn't we be aware of the messages they are trying to give over? Many people are indeed unaware of both the conscious and unconscious messages Disney is programming into the innocent minds of today's young. In idealizing an animated world for young viewers, Walt Disney has actually done these viewers a disservice by burying vulgar messages within pretty packaging. Disguised behind what appears to be innocent and enchanting stories, is actually a number of subliminal and destructive outright messages. Taking a closer look at some of the popular Disney films, one can conclude what the mission statement of Disney actually is.
According to dictionary.com, the definition of subliminal is: “existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation which influences the mental processes or the behavior of an individual.” (Subliminal, 2013) By nature of the fact that Disney is using subliminal messages we can see that they are trying to interact and influence the subconscious minds of children. As will be shown below, these messages could not have been obviously portrayed because they would clash with people's morals. Parents would never show the films to their kids if they could clearly see the ideas given over in the films. For example, hidden within the actual animation of the different movies the word sex appears ...

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...show our children Disney at the most impressionable and vulnerable times of their lives- which would be fine if it's ideals were ideal. Children read, watch, and try to emulate these inappropriate characters and stories. Most parents don't even realize what they are really playing to their children when they nostalgically pop their childhood favorites into the DVD- the messages are so subtle! Though time and time again the media has come out with these accusations, Disney has never denied them.
In a world where the media tells girls to be thin and sexy, to throw around their bodies and define themselves by their heterosexual relationships- no wonder teenagers are suffering more and more. The emotional health of teenagers and children is declining rapidly, perhaps we can make a link between it and the main controller of childrens' entertainment and media.

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