Virtue Ethics Research Paper

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One of the initial thoughts I have about virtue ethics is that it is a way of thinking that has more practical application in the "real world". In a way, virtue ethics integrates intuition, wisdom, and intelligence rather than excluding them from the decision-making process. It further incorporates the person's past experiences and the way they think about themselves. Additionally, the good and the bad potentials for social prospects are taken into consideration.

Virtue ethics is not framed in abstract and unrealistic thought experiments and formal terms. It puts the person into the ethical theory as the moral agent. Its encourages experience, wisdom, and qualities that focus on the people and less on the situations, acts, or results. In …show more content…

The world is full of examples of bad people that have done good things and good people having done bad things and I think that the greater question becomes in total, do the good deeds out way not the morality of the individual but the totality of their acts. This is clearly addressed in Christianity as Christ was fairly clear that moral judgements should be based on the fruit rather than the tree or seed. The metaphor is a powerful and intriguing one as it means one can't tell, with certainty, the good tree from the bad. Additionally, if life offered us only good fruit, the question might never arise, but our lives do contain, turmoil, worry, arrogance and prejudice which are all disruptive factors to live with yet all have causal links to "seeds" of personal, cultural, or spiritual habits. The truth is we are, all of us at any moment capable of great good and great evil. Ted Bundy worked at a suicide hot- line with great success and quite likely saved lives. Did it matter that this disembodied voice on the other end of the phone was a violent serial killer to the person(s) he saved? I don't believe so. Do we dismiss a good deed because it was conceived and carried out by a "bad" person? No, we don't. And in turn, when good people commit horrific acts are they excused because of their otherwise decently lived lives? No, they are

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