Validation Of The Comprehensive Counseling Skills, By Stephen V. Flynn And Danica G. Hays

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The article, “The Development and the Validation of the Comprehensive Counseling Skills”, by Stephen V. Flynn and Danica G. Hays, explores how the comprehensive counseling skills rubric was developed and it accurately measures its validation. The purpose of this article is to explain the utilization of the comprehensive counseling skills rubric as well measure the rubric in terms of validity. The participants consisted of different phases in order to accurately to conduct the study including phases two, three and four. In phase two, there were two panels consisting of seven counselor educators employed by the Counseling and related educational program (CACREP), who had experience in test preparation and teaching a skill level course (Flynn …show more content…

As more students go into counseling the need for the CCSR will become more needed. Counseling students need to be properly educated, so the proper service can be given to clients. The skills mentioned in the 28 point scales are the major skills all counselors should know and be able to use effectively in sessions. It was interesting how the authors had four different categories consisting of invitational, attending, influencing and the phases of counseling. This breakdown was good because as a reader I was able to follow the different items and see how they were rated on the eight point scale. As more counseling students enter in the growing field more programs will be needed to fully ensure that students are capable of running successful sessions. Training programs can use the CCSR to enhance their faculty’s ability to deliver effective supervision (Flynn & Hays 2015). Programs that utilize the CCSR can monitor the progress of a student throughout their learning experience. The faculty should be implementing more assessment to actively measure the counseling ability to conduct counseling skills. If the assessment is issued to students early and throughout the program, the students will become better …show more content…

Educators need to be properly educated since they are teaching the next wave of counseling students. Students need a proper foundation in order to succeed in the counseling career and it starts with the educators. Training programs can use the CCSR as a comprehensive assessment tool aimed at evaluating trainees’ ability to execute counseling skills, phases of a counseling session and sessions within a counseling relationship (Flynn & Hay, 2015). There was no literature to suggest that counseling students were conducting effective counseling sessions in their internship. The numbers were staggering low as the students could not perform the basic counseling skills or proper counseling techniques. In cases like this, the CCSR would definitely be beneficial in providing a consistent assessment to counseling

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