Yellowbird Family Intervention

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Assessment and Intervention The purpose of this paper is to examine various instruments utilized to provide counselors with the most accurate assessment in family, couple and individual counseling. Nonetheless, this paper will also explore the interventions that are most appropriate for this case study. As it will further bring a better sense of awareness to the techniques used in family assessments. One Assessment Technique The appropriate assessment technique in the assessment of the yellowbird family is Multi-Problem Screening Inventory (MPSI) instrument (Thomlinson, 2016; Hudson, 1990). Using this instrument for the yellowbird case study, allows the counselors to assess a multiplicity of family issues by administering one type of instrument, with luxury of a multiple results. In addition to using such, instruments, it also measures goal attainment for family change and improvement (Thomlinson, 2016). A Further Understanding of the Technique Given the history of the Yellowbird family, this instrument will explore some of the events that may be an influence on Jason’s behavior and adaptation to his home life, home life (Thomlinson, 2016). The MPSI, is an assessment tool will give the counselor a diagram of family’s or individual history, like that of a …show more content…

Moreover, behavior problems and its effects on other family members is often a result of family problems, in which may be translated into Jason’s behavior or acting out (Thomlinson, 2016). Changing behavioral factors intervention would allow the counselor to assess behaviors that are observable, measurable, and changeable. In doing as such, would support change when it is accomplished through altering what happens before and after the specified behavior occurs. Identifying current and alternative triggers is the first step in changing adverse behavior (Thomlinson,

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