Two Theories that Relate to the Breakdown of Relationships

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Two Theories that Relate to the Breakdown of Relationships

The social exchange theory and the equity theory can give plausible

explanations for the breakdown of relationships.

The social exchange theory suggests that our relationships are based

on minimising costs and maximising rewards therefore it can be said

that relationships breakdown because of the need to maximise costs and

gaining minimum rewards.

However it is not as simple as that. Levinger (1976) felt that the

likelihood of a marriage surviving depends on three major features.

The first factor depends on the attraction of the relationship being

either emotional security or sexual fulfilment while the second factor

emphasises the point of barriers to leaving the marriage such as

financial pressures. The final factor depends on the presence of

attractive alternatives. According to the social exchange theory

divorce is most likely when the marriage has few attractions and weak

barriers to leaving the relationship. This is similar to Thibault and

Kelley's notion of a comparison level for alternatives (Clalt). The

comparison level is When either partner represents the outcomes they

believe they deserve on basis of past experiences therefore either

partner may wish to leave the relationship when the Clalt is higher

than the comparison level.

However the equity theory emphasises on the factor of equality or

balance. Some theorists such as Hatfield, Utne and Traupmann brought

this theory forth. Therefore this theory implies that one partner will

leave when elements of a relationship becomes unbalanced. The equity

theory is different from the exchange theory because ther...

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...n do not bother about the equity of the relationship, which

shows that equity on its own may not result to the breakdown of a

relationship. The equity theory may also not be a norm for al cultures

therefore it is in a sense very ethnocentric and cannot be applied to

the variations of cultures. Furthermore the exchange theory cannot be

applied to all cultures as well. Why? Because research suggests that

non-western cultures have more communal relationships therefore they

do not believe in exchange of rewards in a relationship. Thus it is as

expected that the exchange theory of the breakdown of relationships

cannot be applied to all cultures.

Overall these theories do give insights into the breakdown of

relationships in an individualist society but not in a collectivist

society therefore the theories are not universal.

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