Tumble Down

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Robyn woke up early one morning in winter, due to feeling chilled

throughout. She slid out of bed and slipped on her dressing gown and

approached the window. She opened the curtains and as far as the eye

could see everything had disappeared under a blanket of snow. Robyn

was surprised by the heavy downfall of snow because of the intense

humidity they had been experienced just yesterday, so this weather was

certainly unseasonable. The snow looked crisp and pure. As she looked

through the austere nakedness of the trees far into the distance the

buildings and forest were clearly defined against the ultramarine sky.

It was almost if they were awash in the refracted moonlight. The

outskirts of her garden gave way onto the forest and the ghostly

silhouettes of the over-grown trees were luminous against the

brilliant white snow. She closed the curtains and slid back into bed.

She was soon swathed by a snug, warm comforting feeling.

Robyn awoke a couple of hours later. She was awakened by an annoying

buzzing sound, which vibrated in her ear. It was her alarm clock. Her

eyes narrowed and her stare became fixed. She then slammed her hand

down on the snooze button and sat up. She opened her curtains. The

snow was still falling dramatically. The snowflakes looked symmetrical

and as they caught the projected rays from the low-lying sun they

shimmered, and then settled slowly on the ground.

Half an hour later she was walking down the stairs. The smell of bacon

and sausages tantalized her taste buds. She opened the kitchen door

and her typical English breakfast was laid out for her. It was as if a

magnetic force was drawing her towards the food...

... middle of paper ...


"No, no, no…" Jackie dropped the receiver and froze on the spot. She

went into a shocked trance. The phone went dead.

"She can't have gone missing" Jackie's mind went into turmoil. Hunger.

Dehydration perhaps. Lonely. Scared. Hurt. Dead. Kidnapped.

Mr Jones was taking his daily route through Tumble Down forest, with

his bulldog, Ebony. Mr Jones wasn't frightened about going through

this dismal forest, as he had his pride and joy to protect him. Ebony

was not your typical stereotype of a dog, cuddly and loveable, he had

bloodshot eyes, and two sharp fangs and he would be constantly foaming

at the mouth. Ebony was like the devil's dog. The dog suddenly went

crazy and bounded off. Mr Jones with his scrawny arms could not hold

such a monstrous animal. Mr Jones followed Ebony over to a tangled

mass of grass. `

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