Evaluation of How the Box Hill Area is Influenced by Human Activity

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Evaluation of How the Box Hill Area is Influenced by Human Activity

The title for this piece of coursework is 'Evaluate how the Box Hill

area is influenced by human activity'.

The 'influence by human activity' reflects the way that humans utilise

the Box Hill area and the effect that leisure and tourism have on the

surrounding environment.

Location Map:


Box Hill is located in Dorking, Surrey, England.

OS map showing route and reference points

Scarp slope path:



Text Box: 6) Paths meet- 174 552 Text Box: 7) Stepping stones - 173 553 Text Box: 8) Near Burford Lodge – 174 555 Text Box: 9) Back to the start- 172 560 Dip

slope path:




The formation of the rocks in south-east England._________________________________________________________________


1. 225 MY : Weathering and erosion of very old folded rocks on an area

of land.


2. 175 MY : Continued weathering and erosion on land in the north;

deposition of weathered rock in the sea covering the area to the


1. Clay.





3. 120 MY : Continued erosion of the land as it is slowly uplifted and

deposition in the sea as the basin gradually deepens. The size of the

weathered rock fragments has varied- clay or sand at different times.

3. Weald Clay.

2. Sandstone.

1. Clay.



7. London Clay

6. Chalk.

5. Gault Clay

4. LR. Greensand

3. Weald Clay.

2. Sandstone.

1. Clay.


4. 50 MY: Deposition over the whole of this area, which has become

submerged under water- including the deposition of chalk.


7. London Clay

6. Chalk.

5. Gault Clay

4. LR. Greensand


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