Theories Of Comfort In Nursing

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Theory of Comfort and How it Relates to Nursing Theories organize disciplinary thinking and influence practice and research (Kolcaba, 2001). Mid range theories contain few concepts and relationships, are adaptable to a wide range of practice and experience, can be built from many sources, and are concrete enough to be tested (Kolcaba, 2001). This is in comparison to grand theories, which are abstract, complicated, and removed from practice (Kolcaba, 2001). Mid Range theories are compelling for the modern day nursing community (kolcaba, 2001). The theory of comfort states that if presented with a stressful health-related situation, nurses are able to meet unmet needs for comfort (Kolcaba, 2001). Enhanced comfort of the patient has a positive and direct effect on them agreeing to health-seeking behaviors, indicators of improved health. …show more content…

Pediatric care is extremely individualized with the treatment plan for each child, families are highly encouraged to participate in goal setting, and the type of care is proactive with the intention of family-centered education (DiMarco & Kolcaba, 2005). The comfort theory can be intervened with all age groups. Some interventions that may be used to comfort a child or family during a stressful time are social, psychospiritual, environmental, and physical (Dimarco & Kolcaba, 2005). An example of each are; social, avoidance of using the word pain, psychospiritual, during a simple procedure you may have the parent present, environmental, utilization of a treatment room instead of the patients room, and physical, comfort of the patient with procedures and in bed (DiMarco & Kolcaba, 2005). Comfort is able to provide the patient with a positive outcome that encourage them and their families to commit themselves to health-seeking behaviors (DiMarco & Kolcaba,

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