Thea 101 Case Study

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Karson and I met today. We check her progress in every of her classes. THEA 101: Karson has reached the highest number of absences that would not be penalized. She said that she most probably has missed 5 class-sessions. I explained Karson that attendance is the most important part of her final grade. Her instructor is going to penalize every absence after the 3rd missing class. I explained to Karson that more than 8 absences would result in an F grade for the class. During this weekend, Karson needs to prepare for her Quiz # 3; it is going to be given on Monday, April 9th. BAT 406: Karson received a grade of 25/50 on her Tutorial 1. She did not watch the videos that she was required to and that are part of this grade. She said she would not

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