The Ideal Lesson Plan

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At the core of every great teacher there is a strategy for teaching, a plan to be followed. For those lucky few that naturally have the ability, and personality to promote learning, the plan to be followed comes almost instinctively; for other there are lesson plans. Now, the ideal lesson plan will provide step by step instructions for any teacher, no matter their experience or personality, to effectively teach a subject. Yet, much like theories in science, when put to the test, some will inevitably fail. Still, every plan has some type of yield, for this lesson plan it feel between a good and bad rating of 82%. Meaning, it was not the best, nor was it ultimately average at or around 70%, so hopefully with a few minor tweaks this lesson plan …show more content…

For both of these, I felt as though the lesson plan met the requirements. The website provided by the Falcon Online links in the syllabus clearly state that this lesson plan meets the research requirements of primary and secondary sources; which of course means that at least one standard was met. The instructional objectives also were met, seeing as how each section has tips and questions to ask, with a student evaluation at the end of the lesson plan. Furthermore, all of these points in the lesson plan had multiple areas that covered them, with the research and provided websites for the standard; and with the objectives provided with each …show more content…

Engagement: the student’s attention is acquired in my opinion in the first session, as the students are put into groups, which will signal to students that they will be doing a lot of work or research. Exploration: Like stated before, the fact that students will be in groups and actively looking for information means they will be exploring their topic and the lesson plan. The students are asked to report back what they learned, and are asked to make assumptions on their work, such as what they believe to be the key points in the timeline. Unlike the last two, explanation, I graded as the full point possibility, the reason is because unlike the other two, I felt as though this was more do able, whereas the others I feel need more guidance from the teacher or active learning encouragement. Such as talking about the extra links, rather than merely looking at the extra sources with a small

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