The Significance Of Quotes In The Civil War

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The Civil War The Quote “ultimately the civil war reduced sectional antagonism and made the united states ‘truly one nation “. The quote is true and the information i picked up proves it The biggest part about the civil war was freedom, and what we did to fight for it like abraham lincoln said. “We are not enemies we should work together and fight for are freedom together”. So much happened in that time the towns and some of the states still was involved with slavery and had their security endangered but the war was fought for peace and hope to change the slavery but the war was not easy for the soldier who fought in it they went threw a lot, but the war brought peace among the 13 colonies. The injuries was not well taken care of as their was field hospitals they could not get good treatment as it was so many hurt and injured soldiers they could not focus on one person so it was depressing seeing all these people in pain and some soldiers knew they was not going to be able to live some people only option is to cut what ever was hurting off and they was getting bite by all kinds of bugs and nasty maggots but as for some that died fighting they really did not get credit.

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