What Caused The Civil War Dbq Analysis

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Causes of the Civil War Certain situations in history have impacted the future that we have come to know. The Civil War began in 1861 because of how divided they were with decisions that would impact the whole country. They tried to resolve some issues with the three fifths compromise in 1787, but it didn’t last long before both sides feared that one would one day overpower the other.Certain major situations evoked the Civil War. The three primary conflicts between the North and the South that initiated the Civil War were slavery, economic conflicts, and politics. The first major conflict between the North and the South that contributed to the Civil War was slavery. Document B contains various graphs that represent the Northern and Southern states in 1861. In the document it states that the slave …show more content…

“A house divided against itself cannot stand (Document M)”, said by Abraham Lincoln about how the North and South couldn’t continue being half free and half slave states it would slowly destroy the government that they tried to create. Lincoln also stated that, “Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it… or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become lawful…(Document M)”. Scott Dred a slave while wanting to become a member of the political community as told by the legislative and the historians that, “...a Negro of the African race was regarded by them as an article of property (Document L).” With the help of the rights given to him from the North it was stated that, “..in the territory of the United States north of the line therein mentioned, is not warranted by the Constitution, and is therefore void (Document L).” Politics assisted with the cause of the Civil war because the Southern and Northern views on freedom were too different that their would never be a real resolution that would make both political parties within the states

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