The Shaping Of My Character Analysis

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My first essay, “The Shaping of My Character” was a personal narrative. It was easier to write this paper because it was about my own experiences. I wrote the narrative on the “golden rule,” about how witnessing cruelty let me know that was not how I wanted to be. Therefore, this rule facilitated the women I am today. This essay made me think about a friend whom I have not thought about in years. Annie’s bullying and teasing inspired me to follow the rule, “treat others how you want to be treated.” Reviewing the essay, some parts could have been further elaborated. Providing examples and elaborations are shortcomings in my writing; I will keep working on that.
In my second essay, “Excessive Force: The Ugly Truth,” I focused on the term excessive force. I was able to recreate a formal definition that fit certain criteria. I should have had more commentary after the question asked. I never answered the question in the essay. Also, I could have combined some of the sentences. This essay was well written because I had direction with it. This was a topic I was passionate about so the …show more content…

Electronic communications and social media can lead to false communication. This form of communication can take away your ability to perceive non-verbal cues and evaluate emotions. Additionally, I also discuss negative issues that can arise from prolonged time on the internet. While social media can connect us with the world, it limits social interaction and personal contact.
In summary, the second essay was my preferred paper to write because the use of excessive force by police is currently an extremely controversial subject. In my writing, I understand that I have to slow down with my ideas and develop them fully before I move to the next thought. I also learned that I when I review and rewrite my papers they are better. These lessons are ones that I will use for the rest of my

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