Essay On Vision Mission And Values

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Whit the rise of globalization and technology companies are looking for every advantage to gain a strategic advantage. Having a vision, mission and values statement are one way companies have attained these advantages. A vision is a long term aspiration of where the company wants to go. A mission is a long term goal, which is directed toward the stakeholders, and shows what the company wants to accomplish. Values are the principals on which the company operates. Having Vision, Mission and Value statements in place not only gives employees direction but it lets everyone else know what your company is about. Leaders within organizations who have these statements need to ensure full support so the company can continue to maintain a competitive …show more content…

A company’s mission is just a big goal that needs to be accomplished within a certain amount time and should support the company’s overall vision. Within the organizations mission there can be smaller goals which need to be achieved to attain the mission. A mission statement will describe, “the purpose of the company, and/or what the company strives to do” by a certain time. (Hill, Jones, & Schilling, 2015). “A mission statement communicates the organization’s reason for being, and how it aims to serve its key stakeholders. Customers, employees, and investors are the stakeholders most often emphasized, but other stakeholders like government or communities (i.e., in the form of social or environmental impact) can also be discussed” (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2015). Mission statements are often longer and more in-depth than vision statements and are usually have a shorter time period associated with …show more content…

“Values are the beliefs of an individual, group, or organization, in which they are emotionally invested” (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2015). Many organizations consider corporate values strategically import for building their company’s reputation and keeping the customers’ confidence and allegiance. That, however, is only a tiny portion of the strategic benefits that organizational values can offer. “Further benefits include:guidance for decision-making on all levels, selection criterion for new employees, driver for individual and corporate behavior on all levels supporting the vision, mission, and goals of the company, and effective definition and implementation of core values” (Gupta, 2015). Values within a company need to be more than just a few words that sound nice to ensure overall acceptance within an organization. “Effective core values need to be emotionally appealing and workable” (Gupta,

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