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Importance of a good mission statement
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Unit 7 Writing Assignment
An effective mission statement at a fire department can be incredibly influential on the morale of the personnel—which as a result, can dramatically improve the performance of personnel when put into practice. Furthermore, because of the importance of a fire department’s mission statement, there should be a considerable amount of thought put into the drafting of one; and one of the most vital parts of an effective mission statement is to make sure that it can be put into practice. With that being said, the mission statement at my fire department is “One Team, One Group, One Fight”.
Moreover, I think that my department’s mission statement can easily be put into practice, because this concept of coming together as one
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Unfortunately, according to an article by Christopher Brennan (2010), most firefighters do not even know their fire department’s mission statement, which as he states, makes it impossible for personnel to live out their department’s supposed mission and values (Brennan, 2010).
Additionally, it’s important to keep personnel in mind when drafting a department’s mission statement, for all too often, leadership in fire departments create mission statements that sound great to those outside of the fire department, but it is either confusing to personnel or just plain out impractical (Brennan, 2010).
After stating that, I definitely appreciate the simplicity and applicability of my department’s mission statement. Furthermore, I think our mission statement is practical for the internal use of personnel at my department because it is nearly impossible to misunderstand, and like I previously mentioned, can be applied in a variety of
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An article discussing the importance of a mission statement states that a mission statements’ job is to outline the organization’s unique purpose and establish the basis of its values and traits, as well as describe the attitude that is to be expected of those a part of the organization. Furthermore, this philosophical foundation sets the “tone” for physical actions, meaning that the content of the mission statement can determine the behavior of personnel (Hitt & Ireland, 1992).
Likewise, a quote in an article regarding mission statements, in my opinion, sums up the idea of what a mission statement should be about perfectly; “Mission statements usually provide a lighthouse that the company culture can look back to when the company loses track of itself” (Reeves, 2015).
Along that same line, mission statements, when used properly and used to its maximum potential for the organization, can reorient us to what we’re supposed to be doing and, if we’re willing, it can show us where we need to
Both, vision and mission statements provide purpose to organizations. Therefore, they should set the foundation for the strategic planning process. However, if and organizations strategic direction evolves, leaders should consider revising the organization’s mission and vision
How to Create Mission and Vision Statements: Examples and Guidance. (2011, June 21). Retrieved February 20, 2014, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLVlZwkZGt4&feature=player_embedded
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Mental health in the fire service is an upcoming problem, but has been occurring for years without firefighters even knowing it. Specifically post-traumatic stress disorder known as PTSD and firefighter suicides are the main issues that have a large impact in the fire service. This outline will lay out the main points that are a result, impact, or other subjects in relation to the two main issues above. Firefighter deaths are rising rapidly, members of the fire service need to be educated on PTSD and suicide to provide treatment before another devastating event occurs in result of the issues effects.
So you are a new recruit/rookie/probies. Well then congrats on your achievement of completing the fire academy training. Remember everyone was once in your shoes. When you are hired on to a department. The people of that department, you could be serving with for maybe 10 or more years. To help prepare you for your career in the fire service here is ten thing you must know.
The reader is quickly lost in all of the detail in the statement leaving them with no sense of direction or empowerment. The statement has the necessary content to be a quality mission statement if the current version is shortened.
In 1973, one of the most influential reports to ever come out of the fire service was created. This report would change the fire service forever and still to this day have a great impact on the way things are done in the fire service. One of the most impacted sectors within the fire service is the way firefighters perceive and implement fire prevention strategies and techniques. This report was called “America Burning” and was published by the National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control. The report was sent directly to the president of the United States of America, who at the current time was Richard
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Every year communities struggle each year around the nation with issues of life safety. In 2012, the nation’s fire departments responded to 31,854,000 responses that resulted in the deaths 0f 2,855 civilians and injuring 16,500 causing an estimated $12,427 million dollars in damage. (United States Fire Administration, 2014) These incidents put at risk 345,950 career and 783,300 volunteer firefighters that resulted in the deaths of 81 individuals (U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2013) and nearly 70,000 reported injuries. ( Karter & Molis, 2013) These numbers represent incidents that are determined to be in the line of duty but do not take into consideration the long-term health risk issues that may develop. Evidence shows that he hazards associated with Fire and Emergency Services are consistent across the board whether paid or volunteer and jeopardize the lives and health of each individual, placing administrative and physical control measures reduces this risk to firefighter within an organization. While it is impossible to eliminate the hazards firefighters face, it is important to identify these hazards as the first step in reducing the potential for loss of life and wellbeing both physically and mentally.
The current mission, vision, and value statements are written very broadly to provide the five divisions within the company with an overall direction and strategy. Each division then interprets the strategy and goals to develop operational processes, procedures, tactics and plans to implement and achieve those goals.
Covey, S. R. (2008, March 8). The mission statement that changed the world [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://www.stephencovey.com/blog/?tag=personal-leadership
In developing a mission statement is very important to remember that any decision is not "carved in stone" and can always be revisited. Despite the fact that the statutory goals of the organization listed in the constituent documents, these documents may be reviewed, and amended in accordance with the procedure, clearly established law. The wording of the organization's mission is periodically reviewed and refined. This process of review and refinement by itself is of great importance because it allows more clearly articulate all the intentions and wishes for the future of the organization.
The Fire and Rescue Service employ a number of styles of communication to suit diverse audiences and for different purposes. The organization communicates with its members of staff differently depending on the circumstances and the message which is being conveyed. With such a large organization approximately 2200 members of staff effective communication is essential. Effective communication plays a vital role in the delivery of all Fire and Rescue Services.
This study is related to a case conducted at Faith Community Hospital to assess the problems due to issues with their mission statement and how it is being interpreted. According to the CEO of Faith Community Hospital, very few of the members and partners seem to be following the mission statement. There are issues with organizational processes, ethics issues, and communication systems. Many staff members are operating as individuals and not as a collective unit based on their values. A moment's distraction can result in a tragic outcome.
The statement of a mission encourages one to progress to succession. A mission statement involves strategic planning in ...