The Reporter/Counselor Report

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REPORTER: The reporter/Counselor (Deon) called to report abuse and neglect for the victim, Mathias. On yesterday (12/09/2015), the reporter noticed physical bruises on the child. There were bruises on his neck (a long scratch with a fresh scab on it); it appeared that it had been bleeding. The teacher (unknown) reported that it was not on his neck the day before. The child had bruises on his jaw, and the nurse examined the child. The nurse noticed bruises on the child’s arm that appeared to be finger prints on the child’s arm. The reporter said the nurse didn’t report that there were any bruises on the child’s back or stomach. The reporter attempted to contact the parents, but couldn’t get in contact with them. The child reported that the incident …show more content…

On yesterday (12/09/2015), the grandmother (Beverly) asked the child “how did he get the scratch”, and he said “Mary’s Husband (unknown)”. According to the reporter, Trina told Beverly the child did it to himself (scratches and bruises). Trina said he got upset/angry and through his tv because he didn’t want to go to sleep, and he was beating on the door. The reporter does not believe the scratch and bruises were self inflicted. Beverly and her husband (unknown) went to the home yesterday (12/09/2015) and reported to Deon (reporter) that the living conditions were bad. The reporter, Angela Ellison (Principal), and Victor Henson (Assistant Principal) conducted a home visit with the family. The reporter said the home was nasty; there were cigarettes and ashes, trash, clothes, 4 dogs, and cats in the home. The reporter said the home had a strong odor. The reporter said mom (Trina) lives with Mary; Mary has cancer and smokes. The reporter said Mary is not related to the victim or Trina (mother), and they are living and sleeping on trash like hoarders. The reporter said the child is sleeping on 2 mattresses on the floor, but his room doesn’t look as bad as the other

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