The Pros And Cons Of The Republican Party

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This paper will outline how I identify with the republican party, a party who is known to be more conservative when dealing with issues and believe in small government involvement in the daily lives of citizens, and less intervention in the economy and businesses. One major issue that will be brought up in this paper is abortion policies, and how even though my party is pro-life, I am pro-choice. I will outline my reasoning for this, but the main reason is for abuse victims and unwanted children being tossed aside. Children who are brought up by teen pregnancy are predisposed to lead harder lives, depend on the government help and are more likely to become teen parents. I will also be considering the pros and cons of gun ownership, and the …show more content…

They did not force their beliefs on me, but pushed me to make up my mind about certain topics before deciding which group I was more parallel with. I believe that the government should interfere very little with small businesses, and with the daily lives of the general public. I believe that men, women and children should be able to make their own decisions without fear of the government coming in and deciding that isn’t possible. One instance where this is important to me, while it is in direct contrast of my party’s beliefs is that a woman should be able to do with her body as she pleases. The Republican party is staunchly Pro-Life, but I am more Pro-Choice. I believe that a woman can and should be able to have an abortion if she is raped and begets a child, or if she is a young woman, incapable of taking care of a child. It is said that children who are born to teen mothers suffer difficulties that range from “higher risk for low birth weight and infant mortality,” that they will “rely more heavily on publicly funded health care,” and will also “be unemployed or underemployed as a young adult.” Children born due to teen pregnancy are predisposed to lead lives that are paid for by the system, having to struggle more for what they want in life. No child should have to struggle because their parents were too young to know how to properly raise a child, and it is for these reasons that I

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