The Pros And Cons Of Child Abuse

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When most people think about abuse, their first thought is the abuser is a stranger. We as people are conditioned to believe that you’re safe within your home. The truth is 93% of juvenile sexual assault victims know their attacker. Nearly one third of abusers are family members and only 7% of predators are strangers. Which leaves nearly 60 % of abusers being acquaintances. So, these statistics alone show that abuse is more likely to occur by the people we know. The type of abuse that isn’t discussed enough is sibling abuse. It’s the topic that most people would rather not bring up at a family reunion. It is shown that sibling abuse isn’t viewed the same way as abuse from a stranger. Once family members see or is told about it, they are less likely to report it to officials. Family members, mainly parents are not willing to call the police on their own kids to say that they are abusing one another. Just imagine being a kid and being abused by your older …show more content…

This article starts off telling the story of twin sister who were sexually abused my older brothers and eventually their father. Its discusses how sibling abuse is the least recognized form of incest. This type of abuse is also not well documented. It is believed that sibling abuse is five times more likely to happen then parent child abuse. The article states that incest between siblings is known to be unreported. It also states that this kind of abuse has long lasting traumatic effects on victims. The article labels sibling abuse as a serious and secret problem. The article points out the very dynamics that contribute to this best kept secret. Things like victims not seeing themselves as victimized, families as well as professional’s failure to recognize the abuse. The abuse is often camouflaged by play and tangled in the complex dynamics of abusive sibling relationships. It goes unnoticed especially in stressed, chaotic

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