The Negoology Of Stalkers

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ideology followed by them. Sometimes, discontented former employees can also stalk aiming their former bosses, co-workers or the entire company. Stalker or stalking has been further classified based on typology established by Paul Mullen, Teresa Flower and Rosemary Purcell. It is based on the context in which stalking arose and stalkers initial impetus for containing the victim. There are five types of a stalker: the rejected, resentful, intimacy-seeking, incompetent and the predator . The two precarious of all are rejected and predator stalkers. 1) Rejected stalkers spurned lovers and rejected in relationship. They perceive it as an insult, and they feel offended and seek exoneration. The stalker main purpose is to reunite with their former …show more content…

These stalkers have yearning for retribution for real or imaginary harm. The stalker intention is to startle and astound their victim and their action is upheld by sense of command and control which stalking endows. 4) Intimacy-seeking are those that are mentally ill and delusional. These stalkers tries to establish affectionate and loving relationship with their victim who they believe had already reciprocated their emotion. They are the most relentless of stalkers. 5) Incompetent are stalkers that are socially backward or hesitant. These stalkers are not lovelorn but their main intention is to establish initial interaction. These stalkers are not good in interpersonal skills. They might ditch stalking if confronted but they may again continue stalking when new target draw their attention . Based on the prior relationship between stalker and victim, stalking or stalker can be further divided into three categories : 1) Intimates or Former Intimates: The stalkers involved in stalking are married or divorced, casual or serious sexual partners or formal sexual partners. They may also be live-in partners or former boyfriend or girlfriend. The stalker and victim might have history of domestic …show more content…

A man is followed by his former wife and lately discovered she was attempting to forcefully enter his house. Both these instances are of stalking and in these examples both men and women can be a potential victim of stalking. However, a woman is more prone to becoming a victim of stalking than compared to men. Indian Law also recognises that only women as a victim or sufferer of stalking. Particular behaviour and traits are attached with a specified gender. Due to this, the social learning and classification founded on gender are swiftly imbibed into by an individual. Children become aware of the distinction between male and female and definite social responsibility that each gender has to perform in society (Blakemore & hill 2008 , and Goffman 1977 ). Women are often viewed as tender and subtle and men are regarded as more competent to bear pain and rough and tough. Therefore, women are considered as weaker sex. In relationship, the women are the end and men are supposed to be follower or chaser. Women are physically weak and smaller compared to men and physical strength is vested with male realm (Goffman 1977

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