Predatory Violence: A Modest Proposal

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Predatory violence is different from general offending because it is planned, not impulsive, and the predator usually feels a sense of accomplishment. Predatory violence involves the application of self-control, reasoning, and intention over time. Predation is instrumental, premeditated, and cold-blooded, while general offending is impulsive, reactive, hostile, and exhibited by low self-control.
The various traits associated with predatory/ serial offending resemble those of a psychopath. These traits include difficulties in processing fear and sadness of others, insensitivity to punishment, lack of empathy, grandiosity, narcissism, superficial charm, lying and manipulation, lack of anxiety, no internalized moral guide, low autonomic nervous …show more content…

Predators are biologically different and can be very dangerous compared to the common criminal. Predators have minimal or absent autonomic arousal, no conscious emotion, no imminent perceived threat, no displacement of target, and no time limited sequence. Predatory violence is planned and purposeful with variable goals, primarily cognitive, and predators have heightened and focused awareness. Predatory violence is different from other forms of violence because it is not defensive nor an appropriate or normal response.
Predators are psychopaths who take time to plan. Predatory violence involves a targeting strategy and a specific type of victim. Methods of an approach to victims can include stalking, ambush, or deception. Predatory violence involves a delay between the stimulus and the behavior. A lot of through is put into predatory violence, hence premeditation.
Psychopaths are different than their common criminal counterparts because they live a parasitic lifestyle, are often charming, apathetic, and may have average to above average intelligence. Psychopaths, or predators, usually impress others as friendly, outgoing, likeable, and alert. They appear to be well educated and knowledgeable. Predators can be verbally skillful and can talk themselves out of trouble. Psychopaths exhibit arrogance and are selfish, self-centered, and self-motivated to secure their own self-interests (DeLisi, 2009). Psychopaths, like life-course persistent offenders, start offending at a young age as persistent and versatile

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