The Most Responsible For The Holocaust Essay

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There are three main parties that contributed to the Holocaust. The main reason that the Holocaust should be remembered is to remember the suffering and the pain the people in the camps went through. Now, there are three parties I will be talking about. The three main groups that are responsible for the Holocaust are Hitler, Citizens that voted for Hitler, and the top SS Soldiers at the camps.
The most responsible party for the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler. According to an article I found it said “Hitler and the Nazis said the Jews were responsible for huge events like losing World War One and the economic crisis (Anne Frank House - Teachers' Portal - Pupils' questions: Why did Hitler hate Jews?).” This means Hitler wanted to punish the Jews because he believed that they were responsible for big events that hurt Germany and he thinks that he is getting rid of the enemy. The second quote about hitler that I found in the article How Many Concentration Camps? is, “Nazis had established about 20,000 concentration camps.” Hitler Disliked Jews so much that he had to set up 20,000 …show more content…

In another article I found a quote about the citizens and it is “He would make Germany strong again, end payment of war reparations to the Allies, tear up the treaty of Versailles; stamp out corruption; keep down Marxism; and deal harshly with the Jews. (The History Place - Rise of Hitler: Germans Elect Nazis).” He promised so many things and the people would believe in anything because Germany just came out of world war II. When the people believed him and voted for him he took control and created the Holocaust. The second quote is from Thomas Jefferson and he said “Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.” The people believed in what Adolph Hitler was promising and didn't know his beliefs and his belief is that he hated Jews which lead to the

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