The Master Race: The Causes Of The German Race

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After World War One ended, Adolf Hitler and many other Germans felt humiliated for losing the war. Adolf blamed the Jews, he felt they were the reason the war was lost. Hitler had been obsessed with race, specifically the purity of the German race. Which he believed to be the “master race”. Aryan is what he claimed the master race was, those with blonde hair, blue eyes and tall. This belief in the “Master Race” created a horrific massacre of nearly six million people with Jewish descent over the course of twelve years. After World War One ended in 1918, many of Germany’s unemployed soldiers and citizens felt defeated and their pride injured. Wilhelmine’s leaders of military and political parties blamed Germany’s failure on being “stabbed in the back” by Jews, Communists, and leftwing politicians. After losing the war many Germans banded together to create a new government, the Weimer Republic. They suffered from an unstable economy which became worse when the New York stock market crashed
The treaty also limited their military to 100,000 men, and forbidding an air force and they would take responsibility for the war by making reparation payments to the Reparations Committee. In the 1932 election, the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) Party had successfully won the most votes, and President Paul Von Hindenburg appointed the Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler as Chancellor. The Nazi party had become the most powerful political party in Germany. The Nazi’s changed Germany’s political, economic, and social structure once Hitler became chancellor. Despite the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler changed the economy by rearming Germany and creating an air force. Though the Allied Powers condemned Hitler’s decision to break the treaty they did nothing. (Lindsay, James

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