The James Briggs Personality Tests: The Myers Briggs Personality Test

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The Myers Briggs personality test is a test that you take that will put in the category of one of the personalities. There are four points that help tell you personality. If you’re an introvert or extravert, if you use intuition or sensing, if you use thinking or feeling, and if you use judging or perceiving.The test asks questions that determines those traits. When I took my personality test I turned out to be a campaigner. A campaigner is very talkative, and do things that they want to do not what others want them to do. We are very nice and friendly. We are also very easy to talk to. If you are having trouble knowing what a campaigner is like, this whole essay is going to be just about them. I think the big reason I am this personality type is because I am very talkative and friendly. Campaigners have many strengths and weaknesses. One of our strengths are that we are curious. This means that I want to go and experience everything that I can. When I …show more content…

For example now I know that I shouldn’t do my homework while watching TV. Personalities I naturally get along with are entertainers. This is because they almost have the exact same traits as us. Our only difference is that we use intuition and they use sensing. They are very talkative and try to entertain people just like us. I do not get along with Executives. This is because they are very commanding people. We do not like being bossed around and we like to follow our own rules. For example if an Executive is telling us to do something a different way we will argue that our way is better and we will not want to change our ways. People would benefit knowing their personality placement a lot. For example if you are wanting to make new friends you ask what their personality is and you could know if they would be a good friend for you. You could get a better idea on what you are like and what other people are like

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