Analysis Of The Big Five Personality Test

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The Big Five personality factors are the modern way of describing someone’s feelings, actions, and traits. This new factor map, improving Hans and Sybil Eysenck’s two-dimensional map which consisted of a stable/unstable axis and an introverted/extroverted axis, has five different factors. They are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism and everyone can be described using these five criteria. This paper will discuss and interpret my results from a Big Five personality test including how accurate I believe it is and how this might change in the future. After taking the test my results came as the following: openness (58%), conscientiousness (69%), extraversion (31%), agreeableness (60%), and neuroticism (10%). …show more content…

This groups describes one's self-discipline and ability to stick to a goal and see it through. My self control should be much higher because I always set meaningful goals and complete them whether that is from completing school projects, tests, or achieving running goals. I know that work comes first so I make it a priority before anything else. I also am very organized and like to keep stuff clean and orderly (but not as severely as someone with OCD might be). I keep the same routine throughout the day, however sometimes I tend to go with the flow when planning out stuff to …show more content…

It may have its limitations because people do not have the same personality in every situation. For example, a teen or adolescent will talk and interact with their parents way differently than with their friends. With this in mind, a person will exhibit many different personalities throughout the day. Which one is the correct personality or corresponds with who the person truly is. Also, the test only provides answers to how the individual’s personality is at one particular time. Through the first eighteen years of life, a person will change drastically because interests, aspirations, and social situations change. Maybe future improvements of the test can incorporate predictions as to how traits and personalities will change overtime. Nevertheless, the Big Five personality test is the best test developed and is a great way of understanding what makes us

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