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Essays on big five personality traits
The big five personality test
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The Big Five Personality Test provided an interesting account of my personality. Although the majority of the results were accurate, I was surprised by two of the outcomes. According to this test, I am a closed-minded, unmethodical, social butterfly that is well-mannered towards others and composed under pressure (John, 2009). First, the results were completely accurate as I am extremely extroverted. I never meet a stranger, and I carry on conversations with anyone. From the custodian, to the cashier, to a random person on the street, it gives me a great sense of fulfillment to engage in dialogue with others from all walks of life. Second, I agree that I am polite and supportive, especially with family and friends. Overall, I try to always …show more content…
In Patrick Lencioni: Team-building lessons from the NBA (HSM Global, 2013o) Lencioni states, “People that have humility are more interested in sharing credit than getting it”. I am a firm believer in giving credit when credit is due regardless of how I may feel about an individual or group. Everyone should be recognized for their efforts, ideas, and work done to fulfill a goal. For example, I work with another team on patient engagement initiatives for the patient portal. Although we may often disagree, I give them praise for organizing meetings, facilitating presentations, and providing my team with the clinical questions from the enterprise teams. In addition, I exercise humility through the transfer of knowledge. For instance, I know that I am adept in public speaking, problem solving, and marketing. However, I am not analytical nor an expert in Microsoft Excel or information technology. I utilize the skills of my peers and associates to better understand these areas in exchange for sharing my own skills. I view my team members as peers with a goal of working collectively. As Robert E. Kelley (1988) states, “Good followers see coworkers as colleagues rather than competitors”
Understanding why people do what they do has baffled people for centuries. The Myers-Briggs Personality test has answer a few of these questions. Are you an Extrovert or an Introvert, Sensor or iNtuitive, a Thinker or a Feeler, a Judger or Perceiver? Once you have the tools to understand yourself, you are capable of understanding others. How does your personality complement a coworker, a family member? How can I be more understanding based on my knowledge of how a coworker comes to conclusions about life and their surroundings? Needs work
The Myers and Briggs Analysis is a series of questions that when answered are examined and grouped together in order to determine the personalities of those taking this test. This particular test can result in sixteen different outcomes or types of personalities, which is determined by four different categories that judge if you are introverted or extroverted, use your senses or your intuition, your choice to think or use your feelings, and finally if you are judgmental or perceptive. These series of questions are designed to judge our personalities and help us to determine which career pathways we will be most suited for based on our personality traits and abilities to work well with others, which is important for our future decisions.
Upon completion of the Big Five Personality test, my results were somewhat surprising to me. Overall, I scored on the low end for Openness to Experience/Intellect, Extraversion and Neuroticism dimensions and on the high end for Conscientiousness and Agreeableness dimensions. For the Openness to Experience/Intellect, my score indicated that I prefer traditional and familiar experiences. While that may be true, it also indicated that I was uncreative and had narrow interest. I think I am a very creative person, because some
The “Big Five” personality traits and the tests that show you what where on the scale of each of the five traits you fit are concepts that were introduce to me actually in high school. And it was interesting to see how I have changed in terms of the five traits from the first time I took the test to most recently when I did the test again.
Utility of assessment. Why are these types of personality assessments useful? Did you find the results useful? Why or why not?
The Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) is a widely used personality inventory. It has sixty questions using a Likert scale that measures five personality traits: OCEAN – openness (to experience,), conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. My overall results from the NEO-FFI were low in neuroticism, low in extraversion, high in openness, average in agreeableness, and high in conscientiousness. Likewise, my results were fairly consistent with what I had originally perceived my scores to be. Overall, I do agree with my results since there were many consistencies I recognized. Yet, at the same time, my behavior could fall into both categories of high and low compared to the norms. Additionally,
five factor theory is a fairly recent proposal and has its basis in earlier work,
Personality is defined as a person's differences to another in regards to their patterns of behavior, thinking, and emotional responses (American Psychological Association). The Big Five Personality Traits are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism, or OCEAN for short. Openness is essentially correlated to exploring new things. The people that have high levels of this trait are generally more apt to do things like try different types of food, be more creative, and have the ability to tackle challenging problems. People who are low on this trait generally have a dislike for change, tend to not enjoy trying new things, and are generally more traditional in a sense..
The ability to be self-aware, identify specific personality traits, and assess personal strengths and weaknesses are powerful tools for lifelong personal and professional success. One of the most popular and trusted personality assessment tools utilized today is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (CPP, 2016). According to Meyers-Briggs Personality test my personality type is ESFJ also known as “The Caregiver.” An ESFJ is one of 13 personality types identified through the Myers-Briggs assessment tool (HumanmetricsInc, 2016). This assignment will identify the different aspects of my personality and how they work together. It will also evaluate strengths, weaknesses and organizational behaviors in an effort to maximize professional performance.
Personality is one of the key things that psychologists assess, and it is comprised of various things. Happiness, activity-level and sociability are key aspects in the life of every person, and they differ from person to person. These are one of the components of a person’s personality, and there are various causes of the differences in these key life elements (Srivastava, John, Gosling & Potter, 2003). There are considerable differences between males, and females, and it shows that gender impact a number of aspects in the lives of people. Age also has an impact on these aspects, and there are notable variations as a person ages (Crane et al., 2006).
A person’s personality has been the subject of psychological scrutiny for many years. Psychologists have drawn up several theories in an attempt to accurately predict and determine one’s personality. Foremost amongst these, is the “Big Five Trait Theory” which stemmed from Raymond B. Cattell’s theory.
I found the results of my self-assessments to be a very insightful and accurate description of myself. The results of the learning styles test and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II are very valuable for examining my personality traits and learning style and making improvements as needed.
These scales are commonly alternatively represented by the OCEAN acronym Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion/Introversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. The Big Five structure captures, at a broad level of abstraction, commonalities among most of the existing systems of personality description, and provides an integrative descriptive model for personality research. (Oliver& Sanjay 1999)
After taking the Big Five Personality Test I’ve concluded that it is a fairly accurate assessment of my personality. 1) On Openness to Experience/Intellect I ranked at the 53 percentile, with the description that I don’t typically seek out new experiences. I would agree with this assessment. While I am somewhat creative, I am no artist. It takes me more time to do something creative than something analytical, but I do still like to be creative on occasion.
Trait approach covers the big five personality traits: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. These five traits have been identified as the most identifiable personality traits, even across cultures and societies. According to McCrae, Costa, and Busch’s (1986) study on personality system comprehensiveness, the big five personality model included the five traits most identified with by individuals asked to describe themselves and others. I found this segment of the class especially intriguing as it helped me not only learn so much about myself, but also take a deeper look into the personality of my family, peers, and even strangers. I am also more conscious of how I self-monitor my personality traits. For example, I am very much so an introverted person but at times I try to be extroverted based off the environment. In highly social environments, I consciously smile and try to talk to people because I want to be perceived in a favorable light, not actually because I feel the need to be sociable. In other words, I don’t want to be perceived as odd. I believe I developed this form of self-monitoring because when I am introverted at social events people will constantly ask me if I’m ok since I’m quiet, which makes me uncomfortable as they make me the focus. Being the center of attention makes me anxious, and therefore to prevent that I have developed being a fake-extrovert to avoid it. This exemplified how I apply self-monitoring to my everyday life. Trait approach gave me insight into how to identify vastly accepted personality traits, as well as, how each of these traits can be influenced and