Have you ever wondered why you react to situations in the manner to you do? Whether you are calm and collect, or rigid and boisterous, the way you react to life is linked to your personality. Many different models exist to determine your personality type using answers from a series of questions or selecting between two opposing options. The most popularly used assessment is the Myers-Briggs Indicator Type test, which is based off the foundation of C. G. Jung’s work on personality types. The typology in the Myers-Briggs Indicator Type test yields results that determine if the person is introverted (I) or extraverted (E), sensing (S) or intuitive (N), thinking (T) or feeling (F), and judging (J) or perceiving (P). Each of these types corresponds …show more content…
By being an INTP, I have interpreted why some things work in my favor. Being a perceiver allows me to embrace change while keeping any ill-thoughts (regarding changes I do not agree with) to myself. This personality blend, also, allows me to participate in group settings when brainstorming is needed, and having a lower preference in introversion grants me just enough patience to play along with the extroverts to complete the task. When putting two letters together, I have better understood my temperament. “Temperament arises from the regulation of arousal and emotion reliably producing characteristic, habitual responses to experience”, and mine is Intuitive Thinking (NT), so I create many options in my head (Blandin, K., February 2013, para. 4). On the other hand, my personality leads me to situations where I make irrational decisions because I’m not granted enough time to think everything through. As viewed in the presentation, “Lesson 1-Worldview perspective on organizational behavior”, understanding my personality typology, others’ typology, and organizational behavior will allow the workplace to be more efficient because we have a better understanding of ourselves and how we can work together. I’m now able to function in the team because I understand what I offer, how it is useful, and my obligation to the group (Fischer, K. slide
From the above test I undertook, it is evident that I incline more to being an extrovert than an introvert. Even though I strongly disagree with the fact that my emotional intelligence is low, as per the results, I think the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was unbiased and precise. This can be proven from my personality class, which is EFNJ.
Having completed the Myers-Briggs Personality Test previously, I was identified as an INTP, which stands for introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving. Accordingly, this personality is often labeled as “The Architect” or “The Logician.” Despite my previous results, I repeated the test as instructed in the assignment. Consequently, based on the outcome of the test, my personality has altered in the past year. Thus, my updated results based on this analysis were, INTJ (introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging). However, the two personalities are similar, as only one trait seems to have varied. Therefore, instead of holding a characteristic grounded in perception, it would appear that I am inclined to mannerisms that indicate
The Myers-Briggs profile was based on the test developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers (“The History of the MTBI assessment”, 2017). There are eight letters that can make up your profile E, N, F, P, I, S, T, and J. “E” stands for extrovert, meaning someone outgoing or social. “N” stands for intuitive, meaning the person goes off of their reasoning or feelings about something. “F” is for feelings, which represent an emotional state or belief about something. “P” is the symbol for perceiving, which means the way you process or take in a certain situation. “I” is for introvert, someone who keeps to themselves. “S” is for sensing, meaning you use common sense. “T” is for thinking, meaning you use your intellect. Finally, “J” is judging, which is making a
After taking the MBTI Assessment I do not agree with the results. My results showed that I had marginal or no preference of extraversion over introversion. Also, that I have moderate preference of intuition over sensing, moderate preference of feeling over thinking. And moderate preference of judging over perceiving. I did not understand the results regarding extraversion and introversion.
The purpose of the Myers-Biggs Type Indicator personality type is to make the philosophy of psychological indicators defined by C.G Jung comprehensible and beneficial to people. On the other hand, several people realize that every individual prefers diverse learning styles and methods, which is the common way of learning. According to Howard Gardner, to lengthen the learning ability of people, more cognizance needs to be given to different learning style that people will prefer to receive data. There are different types of personality indicator and learning styles, but based on this assignment, I am going to describe two personality types and three learning styles.
Within the Jung Typology Test (JTT) it states that my type of personality is introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. The results indicated I am an introvert over extrovert, the score showed 56%. There was a marginal or no preference to sensing over intuition at 1% for this result. Moderate preference to feeling over thinking at 25%, and a strong preference to judging over perceiving at 78%. So this is saying that I am an introverted sensing with extroverted feeling.
The Myers and Briggs Analysis is a series of questions that when answered are examined and grouped together in order to determine the personalities of those taking this test. This particular test can result in sixteen different outcomes or types of personalities, which is determined by four different categories that judge if you are introverted or extroverted, use your senses or your intuition, your choice to think or use your feelings, and finally if you are judgmental or perceptive. These series of questions are designed to judge our personalities and help us to determine which career pathways we will be most suited for based on our personality traits and abilities to work well with others, which is important for our future decisions.
The bases of this paper will be based on the results that I had obtained when I took the Myers-Briggs personality test. The results that I had obtained was that I was determined to be an ENFJ. I will go into depth about letter and how each represents that a specific aspect of my personality. The results that I had received were not what I had expected, but the more I read about the trait the more I realized how it suited me. I will also talk about the information that I had found useful from the book, Type Talk at Work: How the 16 Personalities Types Determine Your Success on the Job by Otto Kroeger, which gave me insight on how to interact with other personality types especially in the work environment. The information that I absorbed from the personality test and from the book will go into use in my personal and work life so that both environments will be cohesive and peaceful.
According to Carl Jung’s typology theory each individual develops personal preferences which become the foundation for how they face life’s challenges and interact with others. Based on this knowledge Isabel Briggs Myers developed the Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI). This test helps individuals identify and study their individual preference and those of others. After taking the Jung Typology Test, which is based on the MBTI, it was confirmed that my four dominate personality preferences are Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking and Judging. Each personality preference is discussed in detail including strengths and weaknesses. The combination of the four make me a INTJ of the world. This is also discussed in detail including strengths, weaknesses,
Throughout the beginning of this semester I have looked at how individuals behave within business organizations. Through various exercises and results, I have found a number of patterns within my behavior and interests. I have become aware what interests me, and a number of skills/abilities I was oblivious I had. This reflection and in class exercises has allowed me to expand my skills, abilities, and behaviors, well fitting them into prospective future employment.
"Personality Test Based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers Type Theory."Personality Test Based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers Type Theory. Humanmetrics, 1998. Web. 11 June 2014. .
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has recognized my profile as Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking and Judgment (INTJ). As an introvert, I can get nervous among other people. It does not pose a problem for an individual. On the other hand, in order to be an effective leader, it is important for me to keep a profound communicational relationship with my subordinates. Without proper communication skills, it is not possible to establish a functional relationship with my subordinates. This may jeopardize the success of any activity that we are involved in. The introvert part is perhaps the major barrier which may keep me away from being an effective leader.
The Jung Typology Test is designed to give the participant a 4-letter formula which describes strength preferences of one’s personality type. The formula is based on whether the participant favors Extraversion or Introversion, Sensing or iNtuition, Thinking or Feeling, and Judging or Perceiving when it comes to the participant’s general attitude. One will also receive a Temperament, which is based on one’s personality type formula, and can be used to make somewhat accurate predictions of the participants preferred behavior. In this essay I will discuss the results that I received after taking the test. Having a personality type that prefers extraversion, sensing, feeling, and judging comes with many strengths and weaknesses when working in
After taking the online personality test I learned that I am an INTJ personality. Consequently, this was not a big surprise for me because I had already taken a similar test in my psychology class and ended up with the same result. I did not learn how accurate the test was the first time since I did not do further analysis on the exact meaning of my personality type. The 16 personality type’s website de...
more aware of my personality type, “(ISTJ) I am an Introvert (34%) Sensing (12%) Thinking